类别:文学名著 作者:奥尔罕·帕慕克 本章:I AM CALLED “OLIVE”

    Prior to t t  ceremony: It h. In

    addition to paper and a ing board,  sing it. uation: Our Sultan est among ter miniaturists to see  time. I o sit on t t beautiful ed he page.

    I invited my guest inside. I ran and fetc of my brus’s ear. I sat do test be a ruse or ploy t I’d end up paying for   all trations by ters of  been dra ran bety?

    I o illustrate, yet I o draly like ters, and I restrained myself.

    Looking at t of paper, I paused so t my soul migself of appre to iful  to render; I ougo ered my strengtration.

    All to gallop before my eyes. Yet one  flaly going to render to draured it in my mind’s eye. tten myself, forgotten t I ting  I  to dras oaking up just t amount. Come noo t to appear.

    Follouition, I searce place anding to t forts oion—see  rendered t beautiful t curved  to t, I greed! Arc moved victoriously iful t  tapered to form tly like t of t lifting my brus open after a moment’s t; I entered t’s going to be t out its tongue. I slourned out teadily, I looked momentarily at t I’d made my line exactly as I’d imagined it, I forgot entirely  curve of tacular neck s oo let tles of te content ely engrossed in ture. I seemed to be standing beside tail. teed, a racehorse; making a

    knot of its tail and  around, I exuberantly moved uptocks I felt a pleasant coolness on my o feeling, I gleefully completed tness of t  onis positioning of t foreleg exactly as I .

    I lifted my  a moment’s ation, I made trils and t. I crand by strand, as if tenderly combing it ted t irrups, added a o  in full proportion drawing his balls and cock.

    magnificent horse.

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