类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:11

    SIMON remembered Sararied to turn off television set. tured   to a full-scale tantrum tle drums and cannon. Sely fond of Daffy Duck, alte. S t Simon still marveled at. s  marco isfaction s;You are making me angry.quot; After tence joined tence-o  language acquisition. In to to bed tling in bet little groans of satisfaction. ed to be a balle?rina. utu out of some pink gauzy material and s te Danskins, and a cardboard tiara on all gesturing cactus. een sing, frigem in question ube of lip gloss called Penumbra.

    t to ried to cut meat from it. quot;ts not t is for!quot; old o s up, it ,  for any damned to including cleaning trap if o. Mitt niger dinner sold  to eat onions from t. tanding on tcable and singing

    Im pretty

    Im pretty

    And I dont care

    Memories of mitt.



    quot;S kno for pizza and stopped at t. S to see if it ;

    quot;And ;

    quot;A black guy. alked up to ;

    quot;d s;

    quot;nam vet.quot;


    quot;nam vet and Im crazy. t;

    quot;Did s;

    quot;Of course not, s ;

    quot;Did it  ;

    quot;No it  an old lady. Rig t so ;

    quot; ;

    quot;ter . Fell do t;

    quot;Is ;

    quot;took ;

    quot; o t;


    quot;Is Veronica okay?quot;

    quot;Sure. So it. Being bas town you ;

    Dore is angry. S the frozen pizza came in.

    quot;Youre actually going to feed us t;

    quot;s tter ?quot;


    quot;So its frozen.quot;

    quot;Do you knos got in it? Enric;

    quot;s tter ;

    quot;t flour, niacin, reduced iron, trate, and riboflavin.quot;

    quot;All great stuff. I remember riboflavin from my c it in ies or somet;

    quot;ere just getting started. ere just going into our er, ed soybean oil, yeast, salt, and sometioner. tioners got sodium stearoyl lactylate, calcium sulfate and sodium sulfite.quot;

    quot;Soybeans are good. Invented by Martin Lut;

    quot;Moving rig cooked pork and mozzarella citute. ti?tute contains er, casein, ed soybean oil -- you notice t of ic acid, natural flavor  is, modified cornstarcrate, sorbic acid, sodium pe, artificial color, guar gum, magnesium, oxide, ferric orte, zinc oxide, B-12, folic acid, B-6 amin A palmitate, xantrate -- I ask you.quot;


    quot;Is try set?quot;

    quot;Doesnt taste too bad.quot;

    quot;I could make a nuclear uff t.quot;

    A bare leg against a purplis.

    they discuss him.

    quot;een pounds.quot;

    quot;I ts kind of cute. Like Santa Claus  does it say a bo;

    Good s. ts in ;

    quot;And  good posture. ere you ever in t;



    quot;In t;

    quot;You do anyt;

    quot;Of a military nature? No, I just put in my time.quot;

    quot;A little bo you t;

    quot;Its not bos just t too close toget;

    quot;Big feet.quot;

    quot;ell ;

    quot;ttle toilo my eye.quot;

    quot;You need to use some kind of lotion, Simon, Lubriderm or --quot;

    quot;But ill got pretty mucs a plus.quot;

    quot;I t, Simon, get a ss not today.quot;

    quot;Veronica can cut it for you. Veronica kno ;

    quot;A five-buck tip, Simon, ts all it takes. ty for t and five for tip.quot;

    they say, over and over:




    Anne says, quot;You never o stand around in your frillies  you.quot;

    quot;ell, ts true.quot;

    quot;Also, my boobs are too small.quot;

    quot;By andard?quot;

    quot;Generally accepted standards.quot;

    s are in fact quite perfect. quot;Look, dear friend,quot; ;one ains, cut to grossos es in eaco find a more beautiful  self.quot;

    quot;Do you really t?quot;

    quot;Of course.quot;

    quot;Doesnt do me any good if Im dumb, does it?quot;

    quot; makes you t;

    quot;If I  dumb I  be a professional model.quot;

    quot;Doesnt follo --quot; elligent but e. quot;Lauren ton,quot; he says.


    quot;tons of intelligence t; ;A glance convinces. Probably dreams t;

    quot;Youre very supportive, Simon.quot;

    quot;I love you guys.quot;

    quot;ts t time youve said t.quot;

    quot;I slipped.quot;

    quot;ere in Marc?quot;


    quot;eve been , a mont;

    quot;Just about.quot;

    quot;So. Are you satisfied?quot;

    quot;In ;


    quot;Of course. Very muc;

    quot;Youre not going to boot us out.quot;


    quot;Maybe you dont like t;

    quot;Do I seem itc;

    quot;I cant tell  a ;

    quot;Look, Im fine. I dont too ;

    quot;Yeas a problem. S , you knoy for t. S out.quot;


    quot;Its , I guess. S knocked around a lot as a kid. Salks about it sometimes.quot;

    quot;People get over it.quot;

    quot;No t.quot;

    A: A dead bear in a blue dress, face docrip over it, in t up at 2 A.M. to see if to eat in tor. Its an arcectural problem, marriage. If e  eac particularly gay -- It  as it  manifestations, early in te at nigsy obsessed noontimes.  get t a rank pigfooted belc a ?ment. An impenetrable . It  very e block, basically, ion on top of t and srock on top of t.

    Q: ell,  make you feel? Adultery.

    A: tain amount of guilt attacy. But I feel guilty even  adultery. I exist in a morass of guilt. ttle additional  but I already feel so guilty t I ice it.

    Q:  come from? tra-adulterous guilt?

    A: I keep elligent life on ots, tists argue t somet of ts ions, tions, to support life in t  visit eac, go tine, ts, told t t go to bed tractive six-foot boll tle squirts of Opium be make sense. But of course our anding is imperfect.

    Q: You  ans --

    A: Yes, ts teresting t it is not guilt so muc is inadequacy. I feel t every?t get it right --

    Q: ould you like to be able to fly?

    A: Its crossed my mind.

    Q: ttle strident dont you think?

    A: No I dont t.

    Q: Sometimes a little strident?

    A: Everybodys a little strident sometimes.

    Q: Sometimes you o scream to be  t hink?

    A: I dont t.

    Q: I never scream. Im a doctor.

    A: Your good fortune.

    Q: It o do une. It o do  strenuous intellectual effort. ere trident in bed?

    A: Different styles in bed as else. Stridency is a response to dissatisfaction.

    Q: isfaction?

    A: In sleep?

    if ter toget.   forbade sucy? too muc to-middling brain at best, t kept it marcabolized crème br?lée,  but t enoug lacked vinegar. Simon drank vinegar in ttles sold to e  of Paris, tle ter tasted. In Szerland, in t bad eit   to live in a country so ferociously tidy. titutes in Zuricark black and reet furniture ornamental as taid perfect cops or trasse, muc  a ced coffee service,  a disadvantage.  o do o MIt, make arcects of to t  mullions, in tiring of mullions, turn to cladding, tack -cleaned pressure-ed steel. Quel happiness!

    Someone  pregnant, everyone  pregnant. At seventy eetroll out on t Buck. t?ball  about t, tiful little c;Kaint anybody ;

    LIGernoon. tche big windows.

    Anne says, quot; are o do about t;

    quot;s to do?quot; Veronica asks.

    quot;  anyt,quot; says Dore.


    quot;I too circumspect.quot;

    quot;I t t;

    quot;I dont t.quot;

    quot;I dont t eit;


    quot;I dont t makes .quot;

    quot;oo mucter ter in just before .quot;

    quot;Butter makes everytaste better.quot;

    quot;o see if anyones c in. t around in t  before anybody sees it.quot;

    quot;Its just an effort to raise t kind of s to raise ts not too terrible. typically American.quot;

    A majestic crashey jump.

    quot;t ;

    quot;Not too bad.quot;

    quot;But o do?quot;

    quot;Bide our time.quot;

    quot;I like t expression.quot;

    quot; ect before?quot;

    quot;I kneractor racted Port-O-Sans.quot;

    quot; are t;

    quot;Movable out;

    quot;Good Lord t;

    quot;Fifty-to be our fat;

    quot;Yet ain spirit.quot;

    quot;eve got to get somet;

    quot;Like ;



    quot;Its so big and vast.quot;

    quot; about t;



    quot;At ters.quot;

    quot;Is t far a;

    quot;ay upto tryon Park.quot;

    quot;  doing?quot;

    quot;It ing rat food. tuff t out to kill ts. In t. I read it in t;

    quot;Did it bite anybody?quot;

    quot;No. But t food didnt  it, its stronger t mucronger and t food didnt affect it, it ion w;

    quot;ell  its mate?quot;

    quot;ell maybe it didnt e. t finding its mate.quot;

    quot;So its mate is probably lurking around ters ing to bite someone.quot;

    quot;Probably no one o ters until ts mate.quot;

    quot;Maybe it didnt e. Maybe it was a bac;

    quot;ell you cant just assume t.quot;

    quot;Maybe it s mate. t got lost in t basements of ters.quot;

    quot;I dont knoicize a rabid skunk.quot;

    quot;I  t;


    quot;I dont t.  t Ive ever seen.quot;

    quot; tell us apart.quot;

    quot;O ts true. ;

    quot;d you tell ;

    quot;I told ;

    quot;ell  prove?quot;

    quot;ful. ell one from anoterested in us as individuals.quot;

    quot;Maybe its just a fa?ade. Maybe  knoo do to make us t us as individuals and is doing it.quot;

    quot;? If  us as indi?viduals?quot;

    quot;Because o   us as individuals? Because it makes t;

    quot;ell if s to make t ;

    quot;Yes but you o make a distinction betain ;

    quot;ell even if erested in making tain  means  indifferent. to t .quot;

    quot;ts true.quot;

    quot;But maybe, on t us as individuals.quot;


    quot;ttle touctle individual touc;

    quot;Like ;

    quot;ell  kno, its a kind of ion, it, by it I mean t,  a certain point, a kind of c lets go and t does it again.quot;

    quot;ell  it?quot;

    quot;ell iced.quot;

    quot;ell I o do too.quot;

    quot;Like ;

    quot;ell ts my business isnt it? I dont necessarily o go around explaining my tec;

    quot;ell I tting too mucecs interesting but its not t us on an individual basis.quot;


    quot;Maybe est.quot;

    quot;I dont to respond o a test. It mig;

    quot;ell t t;

    quot;I kno but ;

    quot;I  for my birt;


    quot;ty-five dollars.quot;

    quot;tll take us about to t;
